Recognizing That It’s Time for Addiction Treatment

Recognizing That It's Time for Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment can be intimidating, but the phrase “the first step to recovery is admitting you need help” is as true as ever. Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, recognizing that addiction treatment is needed is the beginning of a fresh, healthier lifestyle. Many will try to quit their drug and alcohol use on their own, which is often unsustainable and can be quite dangerous. Your recovery journey can start at any moment, and it all begins with acknowledging it’s time for addiction treatment.

Common Signs of Substance Abuse & Dependence

There are many signs that may be obvious to yourself or others that substance use has become abuse and dependence. At the same time, there are also many signs that may be less obvious to yourself or others. Common signs of substance issues include:

  • Irresistible cravings: Consistent drug and alcohol cravings that cannot be curbed or resisted, often getting in the way of doing regular activities or duties.
  • Inability to control substance consumption: Having a hard time controlling drug and alcohol consumption, often using to the point of passing out or lacking recollection.
  • Health problems: Substance abuse often results in physical health issues that include liver damage, respiratory issues, heart problems, or infections. Certain substances are more likely to cause multiple health issues such as alcohol or intravenous-use substances.
  • Problems honoring commitments: Many individuals struggling with substance abuse have a hard time honoring their commitments and responsibilities. This can include neglecting work duties, school assignments, or home chores.
  • Financial troubles: Drugs and alcohol cost a significant amount of money, especially consumed in large amounts. Financial troubles and substance abuse often go hand in hand.
  • Social issues: Whether it be romantic or on a friendship level, many people struggling with substance abuse have issues socially. It often results in tension and severed relationships.
  • Withdrawn, isolated behavior: An individual becoming more withdrawn and isolated is often a sign that they are struggling with substance abuse, and they may be isolating themselves to avoid others knowing about their lifestyle.

Once you start to recognize some of these signs in yourself or a loved one, it’s important that you do not ignore them. Turning a blind eye could result in them having permanent health damage or even passing away due to drug and alcohol inflicted conditions. No one is ever “too far gone” for addiction treatment, and often an individual just needs a push from someone close to them to ask for help.

How to Approach the Addiction Treatment Conversation

Having a conversation with a loved one and their substance abuse can be worrisome and uncomfortable for everyone. The number one thing to remember is to be empathetic to their feelings. People often begin using drugs and alcohol to soothe their emotional or physical pain, so it’s critical that you approach the conversation by giving them grace, while still being firm. The goal is to get them to want to get addiction treatment, not to force them into something they don’t want to do. The most common form of discussion prior to someone entering addiction treatment is an intervention. When staging an intervention, it should always be carefully planned and as non-confrontation as possible. 

The Mayo Clinic has advised their top tips for planning a successful intervention for a loved one. When coordinating, you should consider:

  • Consulting a professional – could be a therapist or clinician
  • Gather concrete information on your loved one to review during the discussion
  • Create a support group that consists of people close to the individual – family, friends, close community members
  • Have your talking points written down – avoid repetition 
  • Plan the meeting in neutral, low-stress space

These are some important points to remember when planning an intervention to ensure your points get across authentically and clearly. Being organized helps ensure that your intervention goes well and is successful in getting your loved one to enter addiction treatment.

Seek Help and Recover Safely

Once you have recognized you need addiction treatment, whether on your own or with the help of a loved one, you should keep your momentum strong and seek professional addiction treatment. Whether you struggle with substance abuse for one substance or many, it’s never too late to get help and recover safely and sustainably. There are many different addiction treatment and detox styles, and Sobriety Options’ admissions advisors work with you to help you find the right treatment program for your needs and insurance coverage. Whether you’re preparing to have the recovery conversation with a loved one or are coming to terms with your situation on your own, you deserve a safe recovery journey.

About Sobriety Options 

Sobriety Options is open 24/7 to provide support and care for those seeking substance abuse or mental health treatment. A branch of Solution Based Treatment, we serve as a central admissions office for seven different branches throughout Southern California. Our team is able to help you find the best sober living option for yourself or your loved one to help them get the care they need. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (855) 485-0071.

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